Title: Maurice Béjart: The art of the 20th century ballet ; Béjart Maurice ; Ballet du XXe siècle [French]
Author(s):Béjart Maurice (choreographer), Donn Jorge (dancer), Mirk Shonach (dancer), Ballet du XXe siècle (dance-ensemble), Philips (producer)
Category: video
Impressum: Philips, cop. 1985
Collation: 1 VHS + 1 livret
Standard number: Philips 070 134-3
Duration: 01:14:15
Specification:commercial recording, documentaire

Person:Béjart Maurice
Group:Ballet du XXe siècle
Work:Ce que l'amour me dit (Béjart Maurice), Boléro (Béjart Maurice), La muette (Béjart Maurice)

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