
De Munt (Brussel) : 02-07-2023, 15:00

muzikale leidingMadaras Gergely
regisseur Ollé Àlex
decorontwerper Flores Alfons
kostuumontwerper Castells Lluc
lichtconcept Schönebaum Urs

koordirigentKlomp Jori

Platon Kuz'mich KovalyovHendricks Scott
The NoseSpence Nicky
Ivan Yakovlevich / Newspaper editor / Doctor / 1st PolicemanRoslavets Alexander
Praskov'ya Osipovna / Respectable lady / MotherAllen Giselle
Ivan / Assistant chief of police / Tenor solo / Old man / ColonelRositskiy Anton
Police inspector / EunuchKravets Alexander
Pelageya Grigor'yevna Podtochina / CountessPetrinsky Natascha
Podtochina's daughter / Soprano solo / BretzelsellerInderhaug Eir
Ivan Ivanovic / Cab Driver / SpeculantCortoos Lucas
Budochnik / Lackey / Father / Coachman / 3rd acquaintanceBelligh Kris
Yarïzhkin / Piotr Fyodorovich / EunuchSaelens Yves
1st son / 1st new arrival / 2nd acquaintanceMelnik Maxime
2nd son / 2nd new arrival / 1st acquaintanceCarlier Leander
1st clerk / 4th gentleman / 2nd dandyLee Byoungjin
2nd clerk / 4th policeman / 5th gentlemanJanulek Andrzej
3rd clerk / 10th policeman / 3rd studentGiovani Bernard
4th clerk / 6th gentlemanStroobants Joris
5th clerk / 2nd son of the respectable ladyIsleker Arman
6th clerk / Escorting gentlemanSzulc Bartosz
7th clerk / 6th policeman / 4th studentMacou Pascal
8th clerkGysen Kurt
2nd policeman / 7th studentWingelinckx Alain-Pierre
3rd policeman / Man's voiceLaryea René
7th policeman / 3rd gentleman / 1st dandyManning John
8th policeman / 7th gentlemanChung Hwanjoo
9th policeman / 6th studentKwon Taeksung
5th policeman / 1st gentlemanDegives Geoffrey
2nd gentlemanAguilar Luis
1st studentFloriduz Bruno
2nd studentMartinez Carlos
5th studentWang Tie-Min
1st policeman / 8th studentTello Soto Juan
1st son of the respectable ladyFaes Tristan
Traveller / Khosrow MirzaKouzemin Anton
Escorting womanMorawska Beata
Woman's voiceBerardi Alessia
Family Hangers-onKerstens Annelies, Poskin Manon, Pop Marioara, Faux Hélène
Priest in CathedralKlomp Jori

orkest Symfonieorkest van de Munt

koor Koor van de Munt

producentThe Royal Danish Theatre
coproducentDe Munt