Death in Venice

concertante versie
Concertgebouw (Amsterdam) : 03-02-2009, 19:30

muzikale leidingDaniel Paul
regisseur Warner Deborah
choreograaf Brandstrup Kim
decorontwerper Pye Tom
kostuumontwerper Obolensky Chloé
lichtconcept Kalman Jean

koordirigentMaxim Piers

Gustav von AschenbachBostridge Ian
Traveller, Elderly fop, Old gondolier, Hotel manager, hotel barber, Leader of the players, Voice of DionysusShore Andrew
Voice of ApolloTowers William
Hotel porterVan Hulle Peter
Strawberry sellerDennis Anna
Strolling playersByrne Donal J., Dennis Anna
Lace sellerNovis Constance
Glass makerEdgar-Wilson Richard
Beggar womanShaw Madeleine
English clerk at the travel bureauGunthorpe Jonathan
Restaurant waiterDe Leersnyder Benoît
Guide in VeniceJohnston Charles
Newspaper sellerBrandão Rosa
Danish ladyBønding Birgitte
English ladyVisser Adrienne
Russian motherVanmuysen Hilde
Hotel guestVan de Voorde Nathalie, van de Klashorst Emily, de Meulenaere Luc, Laryea René, Coulon Marc
French daughterAlves Rita Matos
French motherDeprez Maryvonne
Polish motherClaire Anne
Tadzio - danserCooke Leon
GovernessHenderson Joyce
Lido boatmanLavalle Gerard
Russian fatherLavalle Gerard
Russian nannyMorawska Beata
German motherNicolescu Mimi
GondoliersGrégoire André, Coulon Marc, Laryea René
Polish fatherJanulek Andrzej
Hotel waiterGiovani Bernard
Ship's stewardMacou Pascal
German fatherSchmitz Marcel
Two AmericansManning John, Leether Hans
PriestSchmitz Marcel

orkest Symfonieorkest van de Munt

koor Koor van de Munt

coproducentEnglish National Opera
copresentatieGrand théâtre de Luxembourg
