
Title Season Interpretation
... Till death do us part (annulé) (2020-2021) producer
Aida (2016-2017) producer
Alcina (2014-2015) producer
Ali (2023-2024) co-producer, producer
Arthur (2013-2014) co-producer
Au monde (2013-2014) producer
Avis de tempête (2007-2008) copresentation
Un ballo in maschera (2014-2015) producer
Béatrice et Bénédict (2015-2016) producer
Boris Godunov (2005-2006) producer
C(h)oeurs (2013-2014) copresentation
Capriccio (2016-2017) producer
Cassandra (2023-2024) producer
Cavalleria rusticana ; Pagliacci (2017-2018) producer
Cendrillon (2006-2007) producer
Cendrillon (2007-2008) producer
Une chanson pour la lune (2021-2022) co-producer
Le château de Barbe-Bleue ; Le mandarin merveilleux (2017-2018) producer
La clemenza di Tito (2013-2014) producer
Le conte du tsar Saltane (2018-2019) producer
Le conte du tsar Saltane (2023-2024) producer
Les contes d'Hoffmann (2019-2020) producer
Le coq d'or (2016-2017) producer
Così fan tutte (2005-2006) producer
Così fan tutte (2012-2013) co-producer
Così fan tutte (2019-2020) producer
Daphne (2014-2015) producer
Daral Shaga (2016-2017) copresentation
Der Rosenkavalier (annulé) (2019-2020) producer
Descrizione del diluvio (2007-2008) co-producer, coprésentation
Dialogues des Carmélites (2017-2018) producer
La dispute (2012-2013) producer
Don Giovanni (2003-2004)  
Don Giovanni (2014-2015) producer
Don Giovanni (2019-2020) producer
Don Pasquale (2018-2019) presentation
Eliogabalo (2003-2004)  
A l'extrême bord du monde (2020-2021) co-producer
Falstaff (annulé) (2020-2021) co-producer
Fanny and Alexander (2024-2025) producer
Der fliegende Holländer (2005-2006)  
For better, for worse... (2022-2023) producer
For better, for worse... (annulé) (2020-2021) producer
Foxie! (2016-2017) producer
Frankenstein (2018-2019) producer
Die Frau ohne Schatten (2004-2005)  
La Gioconda (2018-2019) producer
Giulio Cesare in Egitto (2007-2008) coprésentation
Gli amori d'Apollo e di Dafne (2004-2005) in collaboration with
Hamlet (2013-2014) co-producer
Hanjo (2004-2005)  
Haydn amore (2007-2008) producer
Henry VIII (2022-2023) producer
Henry VIII (annulé) (2020-2021) producer
Les Huguenots (2010-2011) producer
Les Huguenots (2021-2022) producer
Is this the end? : Dead little girl (2020-2021) producer
Is this the end? : Here's the woman! (2021-2022) producer
Jakob Lenz (2014-2015) producer
Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher (2019-2020) co-producer
Jenufa (2013-2014) producer
Julie (2004-2005)  
Little England : scenes from a small Island (2008-2009) producer
Lohengrin (2017-2018) producer
Lucio Silla (2017-2018) producer
Lucrezia Borgia (2012-2013) producer
Lulu (2012-2013) producer
Lulu (2021-2022) producer
Macbeth (2016-2017) producer
Macbeth Underworld (2019-2020) producer
Madama Butterfly (2016-2017) producer
De la maison des morts (2018-2019) producer
Les Mamelles de Tirésias (2013-2014) copresentation
Manon Lescaut (2012-2013) producer
Matsukaze (2016-2017) producer
Médée (2007-2008) producer
Medulla (2014-2015) producer
Medulla (2015-2016) producer
A midsummer night's dream (2004-2005)  
Mitridate, rè di Ponto (2015-2016) producer
Moniuszko à Paris (annulé) (2019-2020) co-producer
Norma (2021-2022) producer
Nos (2022-2023) co-producer
Le nozze di Figaro (2019-2020) producer
O Mensch! (2012-2013) presentation
On purge bébé ! (2022-2023) producer
L'opera seria (2015-2016) producer
Orphée et Eurydice (traduction de Pierre-Louis Moline) (2013-2014) producer
Orpheus, ou, La merveilleuse constance de l'amour (2016-2017) copresentation
Parsifal (2010-2011) producer
Parsifal (2020-2021) producer
Passion (2012-2013) presentation
Pelléas et Mélisande (2012-2013) producer
Penthesilea (2014-2015) producer
Peter Grimes (2003-2004)  
Phaedra (2007-2008) co-producer
Pikovaya dama (2004-2005)  
Pikovaya dama (2022-2023) producer
Pikovaya dama (annulé) (2019-2020) producer
Pinocchio (2017-2018) producer
Powder her face (2015-2016) co-producer
Il prigioniero ; Das Gehege (2017-2018) producer
Princesse Turandot (2012-2013) copresentation
Rachmaninov troika (2014-2015) producer
Re Orso (annulé) (2018-2019) producer
Requiem (2021-2022) co-producer
Das Rheingold (2023-2024) Producteur
Il ritorno d'Ulisse (2003-2004)  
Rivoluzione e nostalgia (2023-2024) producer
Le roi Arthus (2003-2004)  
Der Rosenkavalier (2022-2023) producer
Der Schauspieldirektor (2020-2021) producer
Shell Shock (2014-2015) producer
Le silence des ombres (2019-2020) copresentation, producer
Sindbad (2013-2014) producer
The Sleeping Thousand (annulé) (2020-2021) co-producer
Solar (2022-2023) producer
Tamerlano (2014-2015) producer
Till death do us part (2022-2023) producer
The time of our singing (2021-2022) producer
The time of our singing (2024-2025) producer
To be sung (2015-2016) producer
Tosca (2020-2021) producer
Die tote Stadt (2020-2021) producer
La Traviata (2012-2013) producer
Tristan und Isolde (2018-2019) producer
Il trittico (2021-2022) producer
Turandot (2023-2024) producer
The turn of the screw (2020-2021) producer
The turn of the screw (2023-2024) producer
La vestale (2015-2016) co-producer
The woman who walked into doors (2001-2002) co-producer
The woman who walked into doors (2003-2004) co-producer
Yevgeny Onegin (2022-2023) producer
Die Zauberflöte (2018-2019) producer
Zelle (annulé) (2021-2022) co-producer
Adriana Lecouvreur (2015-2016) producer
Il barbiere di Siviglia (2014-2015) copresentation
La clemenza di Tito (2005-2006) in collaboration with
Così fan tutte (2010-2011) copresentation
Demon (2015-2016) producer
Der Schauspieldirektor (annulé) (2020-2021) producer
Die Entführung aus dem Serail (2014-2015) copresentation
Les Fêtes de l'hymen et de l'amour (2013-2014) copresentation
Fidelio (2013-2014) co-producer
Fierrabras (2014-2015) producer
Die Fledermaus (2012-2013) producer
Giovanna d'Arco (2019-2020) producer
Giulio Cesare in Egitto (2023-2024) copresentation
Guillaume Tell (2013-2014) producer
Hänsel und Gretel (2015-2016) producer
De kinderen der zee (2020-2021) producer
De kinderen der zee (2021-2022) producer
The king and his favorite (2020-2021) producer
Leonore (2017-2018) copresentation
Marc' Antonio e Cleopatra (2003-2004)  
Parsifal (2021-2022) producer
Pénélope (2016-2017) producer
The queen and her favorite (2020-2021) producer
The Rake's Progress (2018-2019) co-producer
Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (2016-2017) co-producer
Robert le Diable (2018-2019) producer
Roméo et Juliette (2012-2013) producer
Tancredi (2017-2018) producer
Le vin herbé (2014-2015) co-producer
Title Season Interpretation
3S (2022-2023) producer
4D (2013-2014) copresentation
Achterland (2017-2018) copresentation
Achterland (2019-2020) copresentation
Bartók / Beethoven / Schönberg (2018-2019) co-producer
C(h)oeurs (2013-2014) copresentation
Cesena (2012-2013) copresentation
D'un soir un jour (2007-2008) producer
Desh : la seconde moitié de la nuit (2005-2006) producer
Drumming (1998-1999) producer
Drumming (2013-2014) co-producer
En attendant (2012-2013) co-producer, copresentation
Fase (2018-2019) co-producer
The Goldberg variations, BWV 988 (2020-2021) co-producer
The Goldberg variations, BWV 988 (2021-2022) co-producer
Golden hours (As you like it) (2014-2015) co-producer, copresentation
Golden hours (As you like it) (2016-2017) co-producer, copresentation
Icon ; Noetic (2016-2017) co-producer, copresentation
Jagden und Formen (Zustand 2008) ; Sacre (2013-2014) Sacre : producer
Kassandra : speaking in twelve voices (2003-2004) producer
Kassandra : speaking in twelve voices (2005-2006) producer
Keeping still (2006-2007) producer
A love supreme (2016-2017) copresentation, producer
A love supreme (2019-2020) copresentation
Memento Mori ; Faun (2019-2020) co-producer
Mitten wir im Leben sind Bach 6 Cellosuiten (2017-2018) co-producer
Mitten wir im Leben sind Bach 6 Cellosuiten (2022-2023) co-producer
Myth (2007-2008) coprésentation
Nicht Schlafen (2016-2017) copresentation
Nine Finger (2006-2007) producer
Once (2003-2004) producer
Once (2006-2007) producer
Partita 2 (2012-2013) co-producer
Partita 2 (2014-2015) co-producer, copresentation
Puz/zle (2016-2017) copresentation
Quartett (2018-2019) co-producer
Raga for the rainy season ; A love supreme (2004-2005) producer
Raga for the rainy season ; A love supreme (2005-2006) producer
Rain (2003-2004)  
Rain (2006-2007)  
Rain (2016-2017) producer
Re:zeitung (2013-2014) copresentation
Requiem pour L. (2017-2018) copresentation
Rosas danst Rosas (2013-2014) copresentation
Rosas danst Rosas (2016-2017) co-producer, copresentation
Les six concertos brandebourgeois (2018-2019) co-producer
Les six concertos brandebourgeois (2021-2022) co-producer
Soirée répertoire (2006-2007) producer
Still live (2006-2007) producer
Sutra (2018-2019) co-producer
Tar and feathers ; Wings of wax ; Signing off (2007-2008) coprésentation
Verklärte Nacht (2015-2016) in collaboration with
Vortex temporum (2013-2014) copresentation, producer
Vortex temporum (2015-2016) co-producer
Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke (2015-2016) co-producer
Winterreise (2003-2004) ordered by
Work/Travail/Arbeid (2014-2015) co-producer
Zeitigung (2017-2018) copresentation
Zeitigung (2019-2020) copresentation
Zeitung (2007-2008) co-producer, coprésentation
Title Season Interpretation
Alain Altinoglu : André-Modeste Grétry, Peter Benoit, Claude Debussy... (2021-2022) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Arnold Schoenberg, Gustav Mahler, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, John Williams (2023-2024) producer
Alain Altinoglu : August De Boeck, Alban Berg, Gustav Mahler (2021-2022) producer
Alain Altinoglu : August De Boeck, Maurice Ravel, Camille Saint-Saëns (annulé) (2020-2021) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodáli (2017-2018) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Carl Orff (annulé) (2019-2020) producer
Alain Altinoglu : César Franck, Antonín Dvorák (2020-2021) producer
Alain Altinoglu : César Franck, Maurice Ravel, Camille Saint-Saëns (2021-2022) producer
Alain Altinoglu : César Franck, Richard Strauss, Harold Noben (2022-2023) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Claude Debussy, Ernest Chausson, Gabriel Fauré (2016-2017) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Claude Debussy, Samuel Barber, Francis Poulenc, Benoît Mernier (2017-2018) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Edvard Grieg, Jean Sibelius (2020-2021) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Edvard Grieg, Jean Sibelius (annulé) (2020-2021) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Ernest Chausson, Gabriel Fauré, Maurice Ravel (2012-2013) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Ernest Reyer, César Franck, Hector Berlioz (2022-2023) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Franz Liszt, Béla Bartók (2017-2018) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Franz Liszt, Béla Bartók (2017-2018) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Guillaume Lekeu, Sergei Bortkiewicz, Richard Strauss (2022-2023) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Gustav Mahler (2023-2024) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Hector Berlioz (2013-2014) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Hector Berlioz (2015-2016) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Hector Berlioz, Jacques Ibert, Luciano Berio, Georges Bizet, Maurice Ravel (2015-2016) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Johannes Brahms (2016-2017) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Johannes Brahms (2016-2017) producer
Alain Altinoglu : John Corigliano, George Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein (2019-2020) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Ludwig van Beethoven (2017-2018) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Ludwig van Beethoven (2018-2019) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Ludwig van Beethoven, Bernard Foccroulle (2018-2019) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Ludwig van Beethoven, Mauricio Sotelo (2018-2019) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Ludwig van Beethoven, Max Bruch, Modest Musorgsky, Maurice Ravel (2018-2019) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Ludwig van Beethoven, Richard Dubugnon (2018-2019) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Ludwig van Beethoven, Wim Henderickx (2018-2019) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Maurice Ravel (2016-2017) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Mikhail Glinka, Sergey Prokofiev, Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky (2022-2023) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Modest Mussorgsky, Sergey Prokofiev, Igor Stravinsky (2015-2016) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Pascal Dusapin, Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky, Richard Strauss (2019-2020) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Pascal Dusapin, Richard Strauss, Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky (annulé) (2019-2020) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Philippe Boesmans, André-Modeste Grétry, Pieter Van Maldere, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (2021-2022) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Reinhold Glière (2022-2023) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Richard Strauss (2022-2023) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Richard Strauss, Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky (2019-2020) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Robert Schumann, Jacques Offenbach, Benoît Mernier (2023-2024) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Thomas Adès, Benjamin Britten, Edward Elgar (2023-2024) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Toru Takemitsu, Camille Saint-Saëns, Leos Janacek (2016-2017) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (2020-2021) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (2021-2022) producer
Alain Altinoglu : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (annulé) (2020-2021) producer
Antonello Manacorda : Wolgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert (2015-2016) producer
Antonio Méndez : Bedrich Smetana, Antonin Dvorak, Leos Janacek (2013-2014) producer
Antonio Pappano : Giuseppe Verdi, Robert Schumann (2012-2013) copresentation
Antonio Pappano ; Ian Bostridge : Hans Zender (2021-2022) producer
Antony Hermus : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Gustav Mahler (2023-2024) co-producer
Carlo Rizzi : Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky (2012-2013) producer
Concert de Noël (2022-2023) producer
Concert de Noël (annulé) (2020-2021) producer
Concert de Noël (annulé) (2021-2022) producer
Daniel Kawka : Frank Martin, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (2014-2015) producer
Dennis Russell Davies : Philippe Boesmans, Francis Poulenc (2017-2018) producer
Emmanuel Trenque : Gabriel Fauré, Francis Poulenc (2023-2024) producer
Fayçal Karoui : Guillaume Connesson, Ottorino Respighi, Giacomo Puccini (2016-2017) producer
Frank Beermann : Robert Schumann (2014-2015) producer
Frank Beermann : Robert Schumann (2014-2015) producer
Georg Kallweit : Jean-Féry Rebel, Antonio Vivaldi (2012-2013) copresentation
Georg Kallweit : Toshio Hosokawa, Antonio Vivaldi (2012-2013) copresentation
Hartmut Haenchen : Anton Bruckner (2016-2017) producer
Hartmut Haenchen : Anton Bruckner (2018-2019) producer
Hartmut Haenchen : Antonín Dvorák (2017-2018) producer
Hartmut Haenchen : Bohuslav Martinu, Karl Amadeus Hartmann, Anton Bruckner (2015-2016) producer
Hartmut Haenchen : Ludwig van Beethoven, Dmitry Shostakovich (2014-2015) producer
Hervé Niquet : George Frideric Handel (2015-2016) copresentation
Hugh Wolff : Der Ring ohne Worte (2018-2019) co-producer
Hugh Wolff : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Gustav Mahler (2020-2021) co-producer
Jérémie Rhorer : Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Ludwig van Beethoven (2012-2013) producer
Jérémie Rhorer : Ludwig van Beethoven (2013-2014) producer
Kazushi Ono : Franz Schubert, Jean Sibelius (2014-2015) producer
Kazushi Ono : Franz Schubert, Jean Sibelius (2014-2015) producer
Kazushi Ono : Franz Schubert, Jean Sibelius (2014-2015) producer
Kazushi Ono : Jules Massenet, Richard Strauss, Sergey Prokofiev (2022-2023) producer
Kazushi Ono : Richard Strauss, Claude Debussy, Arnold Schoenberg (2012-2013) producer
Lothar Koenigs : Anton Webern, Alexander von Zemlinsky, Arnold Schoenberg, Johannes Brahms (2012-2013) producer
Lothar Koenigs : Richard Wagner, Anton Bruckner (2015-2016) producer
Ludovic Morlot : Bohuslav Martinu, Johannes Brahms, Gustav Mahler (2013-2014) producer
Ludovic Morlot : Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel (2014-2015) producer
Ludovic Morlot : Gabriel Fauré, Franz Gruber, Anton Webern, Joseph Haydn, Igor Stravinsky (2013-2014) producer
Ludovic Morlot : Hector Berlioz (2014-2015) producer
Ludovic Morlot : Johann Sebastian Bach, Alban Berg, Alfred Bruneau (2012-2013) producer
Ludovic Morlot : Olivier Messiaen, Richard Strauss (2013-2014) producer
Marc Soustrot : Jean Sibelius, Edvard Grieg (2016-2017) co-producer
Michael Boder : Gustav Mahler (2014-2015) producer
Michael Boder : Gustav Mahler, Franz Liszt (2015-2016) producer
Pierre et le loup (2023-2024) producer
Raphaël Pichon : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (2020-2021) producer
René Jacobs : Georg Friedrich Handel (2013-2014) copresentation
René Jacobs : Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (2015-2016) copresentation
René Jacobs : Johann Sebastian Bach (2012-2013) copresentation
Riccardo Chailly : Giuseppe Verdi (2023-2024) co-producer
Robin Ticciati : Gabriel Fauré, Hector Berlioz, Maurice Ravel, Claude Debussy (2014-2015) copresentation
Shéhérazade (2017-2018) producer
Sounds of longing (2016-2017) producer
Sylvain Cambreling : Emmanuel Chabrier, Philippe Boesmans, Ernest Chausson (2021-2022) producer
Teodor Currentzis : Dmitry Shostakovich, Benjamin Britten (2013-2014) copresentation
Till Eulenspiegel (annulé) (2019-2020) producer
United Music of Brussels (2016-2017) producer
United Music of Brussels (2017-2018) producer
United Music of Brussels (2018-2019) producer
United Music of Brussels (2019-2020) producer
Valery Gergiev : Dmitry Shostakovich (2013-2014) copresentation
War Requiem (2013-2014) producer
Title Season Interpretation
Albert Dohmen (2012-2013) producer
Allison Cook, Alfredo Abbati (2016-2017) producer
Angelika Kirchschlager (2013-2014) producer
Anke Vondung, Werner Güra (2018-2019) producer
Anna Bonitatibus (2017-2018) producer
Anna Caterina Antonacci (2013-2014) producer
Anna Caterina Antonacci (2015-2016) producer
Anna Caterina Antonacci (2018-2019) producer
Anne Sofie von Otter (2016-2017) producer
Anne Sofie von Otter (2018-2019) producer
Annick Massis, Antoine Palloc (2016-2017) producer
Bejun Mehta (2020-2021) producer
Bo Skovhus (2014-2015) copresentation
Christianne Stotijn (2013-2014) producer
Christianne Stotijn (2015-2016) producer
Christianne Stotijn (2017-2018) producer
Christoph Prégardien (2015-2016) producer
Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter (2012-2013) producer
Christoph Prégardien, Julian Prégardien (2020-2021) producer
Dietrich Henschel (2017-2018) producer
Dmitri Hvorostovsky (2013-2014) producer
Ekaterina Siurina, Charles Castronovo (2014-2015) producer
Eva-Maria Westbroek (2020-2021) producer
Franz-Josef Selig (2019-2020) producer
Franz-Josef Selig (2021-2022) producer
Georg Nigl (2014-2015) producer
Georg Nigl (2015-2016) copresentation
Georg Nigl (2020-2021) producer
Georg Nigl (2021-2022) producer
Günther Groissböck (2023-2024) producer
Ian Bostridge (2012-2013) producer
Ian Bostridge, Julius Drake (2016-2017) producer
Jodie Devos (2019-2020) producer
Journal d'un disparu (2016-2017) co-producer, copresentation
Julia Lezhneva (2012-2013) producer
Julia Lezhneva (2014-2015) producer
Karine Deshayes (2017-2018) producer
Karine Deshayes (2021-2022) producer
Kerstin Avemo, Romeo Castellucci (2014-2015) co-producer
Lenneke Ruiten (2023-2024) producer
Magdalena Kozená (2018-2019) producer
Magdalena Kozená (2021-2022) producer
Marie-Nicole Lemieux (2013-2014) copresentation
Marie-Nicole Lemieux (2014-2015) producer
Marie-Nicole Lemieux (2019-2020) producer
Mark Padmore (2013-2014) producer
Mark Padmore (2018-2019) producer
Mark Padmore (2021-2022) producer
Matthias Goerne (2012-2013) copresentation
Matthias Goerne (2015-2016) copresentation
Matthias Goerne (2023-2024) producer
Matthias Goerne, Leif Ove Andsnes (2016-2017) copresentation
Matthias Goerne, Leif Ove Andsnes (2016-2017) copresentation
Matthias Goerne, Leif Ove Andsnes (2016-2017) copresentation
Michèle Losier (2018-2019) producer
Natalie Dessay (2017-2018) producer
Nathalie Stutzmann (2014-2015) producer
Nicky Spence (2021-2022) producer
Nicky Spence, MM Academy : Bohemian melodies (2023-2024) producer
Nino Machaidze, Enea Scala, Vittorio Prato (2023-2024) producer
Nora Gubisch (2015-2016) producer
Nora Gubisch (2019-2020) producer
Olga Peretyatko (2022-2023)  
Patricia Petibon, Olivier Py, Susan Manoff (2016-2017) producer
Pavol Breslik (2014-2015) producer
Pavol Breslik (2017-2018) producer
Sabine Devieilhe (2020-2021) producer
Sally Matthews (2015-2016) producer
Sally Matthews, Dietrich Hensel, Simon Lepper (2016-2017) producer
Sandrine Piau (2022-2023) producer
Schubert Quartette (2013-2014) producer
Silvia Tro Santafé (2018-2019) producer
Simon Keenlyside (2015-2016) producer
Simon Keenlyside (2017-2018) producer
Simon Keenlyside (2020-2021) producer
Sophie Karthäuser, Eugène Asti (2016-2017) producer
Stéphane Degout (2014-2015) producer
Stéphane Degout (2016-2017) producer
Stéphane Degout (2017-2018) producer
Stéphane Degout, Marielou Jacquard (2022-2023) Producteur
Stéphanie d'Oustrac (2020-2021) producer
Stéphanie d'Oustrac (2022-2023)  
Véronique Gens (2013-2014) producer
Véronique Gens (2018-2019) producer
Véronique Gens (2021-2022) co-producer
Waltraud Meier (2012-2013) producer
Werner Van Mechelen (2012-2013) producer
Werner Van Mechelen, Tineke Van Ingelgem (2022-2023)  
Winterreise (2003-2004) ordered by
Xavier Sabata (2023-2024) producer
Zauberland (2019-2020) co-producer
Title Season Interpretation
Work/Travail/Arbeid (2014-2015) co-producer
Title Season Interpretation
Au monde (2013-2014) copresentation
In between violet and green (2016-2017) co-producer
Na de repetitie ; Persona (2012-2013) copresentation
The pyre (2013-2014) copresentation
Title Season Interpretation
(Victor) Frankenstein (2018-2019) co-producer
L'homme de la Mancha (traduction de J. Brel) (2018-2019) co-producer
Menuet (2017-2018) co-producer, copresentation
Mitra (2017-2018) co-producer
Orfeo et Majnun (2017-2018) producer
Push (2018-2019) producer
Silla revisited (2017-2018) co-producer
Sylvia (2018-2019) copresentation
Trois femmes fortes (2019-2020) co-producer
United Music of Brussels (2016-2017) producer
United Music of Brussels (2017-2018) producer
United Music of Brussels (2018-2019) producer
United Music of Brussels (2019-2020) producer
Title Category Function(s)
... Till death do us part (broken mirrors, 6, 13/04/2023) video producer
... Till death do us part (killing a queen, 6, 13/04/2023) video producer
... Till death do us part (queen of farce, 06, 13/04/2023) video producer
Les 50 ans de la chapelle musicale Reine Elisabeth : Hommage à Mozart (22/06/2006) video recording
Cassandra (12, 14/09/2023) video producer
Elektra (29/01/2010) video producer
Les enchanteurs video producer
Eugène Onéguine (07, 09/02/2023) video co-producer
For better, for worse... (Mary, queen of scots, 4, 11/04/2023) video producer
For better, for worse... (the coronation, 04, 11/04/2023) video producer
For better, for worse... (the royal progress, 04,11/04/2023) video producer
Françoise Atlan & Moneim Adwan video
Giuliano Carella : Giuseppe Verdi video
Henry VIII (13, 16/05/2023) video producer
José van Dam & friends : concert d'hommage video
Joyce DiDinato video
Messe pour le temps futur (27/04/1984) video producer
Le nez (27, 29/06/2023) video producer
On purge bébé (15, 20/12/2022) video co-producer
Opera Classes & Sindbad video co-producer
Opera classes & Sindbad video
Penthesilea (31/03/2015) ; : 07/04/2015 20:00 ; : 09/04/2015 20:00 audio producer
The rake's progress (25/10/2009) video producer
Der Rosenkavalier (16/11/2022) video producer
Self meant to govern, Hypothetical stream 2, Quinttet (11/07/1998) video recording
Simon Keenlyside (24/11/2008) video
Toots Thielemans (08/02/2001) video
Vincente Amigo y grupo video