From the house of the dead (vertaling van D. Arundell)

De Munt (Brussel) : 30-09-1967, 20:00

muzikale leidingBrydon Roderick
regisseur Graham Colin
vertaler Arundell Dennis
decorontwerper Koltai Ralph
kostuumontwerper Stubbs Annena
lichtconcept Bristow Charles

Alenxander Petrowitsj Gorjantsjikov - basEaston Neil
Alyeya - sopraan : a young Tartar prisonerNeville Margaret
Luka Kuzmich - tenorAndrew Jon
Skuratov - tenorDempsey Gregory
Commandant of the prison - baritonDowling Denis
Shiskov - baritonBowman David
Shapkin - tenorDelaney John
Chekunov - baritonMoyle Julian
Vermalov - tenor : a tall prisonerKane David
Prison Officer - tenorMcDonnell Tom

orkestSadler's Wells Orchestra

koorSadler's Wells Choir

coproducentSadler's Wells Opera
in samenwerking metThe British Council